Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Answering Kinder Morgan: Independent Researcher Draw KM Ire

To the Attention of: Mr. Ian Anderson, President, Kinder Morgan Canada

by David Ellis

November 13, 2013

Dear Sir; in an article in the Kamloops Daily News, November 8, 2013, Mr. Andy Galarnyk, spokesman for Kinder Morgan Canada, noted:
“Mr. Ellis continues to provide misinformation to the media and the fact that he’s not an expert on pipelines continues to cause us some concern.”
I have taken a great deal of trouble to research and present qualified, well-researched data, and I have never claimed to be a trained expert on pipelines. Exactly like Mr. Galarnyk, I have simply a Master of Science
Degree, in Natural Resources Management. So I continue to learn - and to criticize, as is my right, and the right of all Canadians. And as part of this work, I will also work defend the right of all Canadians, to be critics of your pipeline, regardless of their formal education, and the "bigness" of your corporation.

Mr. Galarnyk's statement "to cause us some concern" amounts to a veiled threat. Despite the size of your corporation, you are a guest here, and no Canadian should be made to feel afraid of you. Mr. Galarnyk, and Kinder Morgan Canada, are therefore liable for slander, and guilty of bullying in the above statement to the Kamloops Daily News.

I therefore demand that you immediately remove Mr. Galarnyk from your firm, and that you provide me with a letter of apology.

David Ellis
Independent pipeline and critic

Communicated by email, to over 1000, via list serve and personal email

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